SAEDA, Sustainable Agriculture & Environment Development Association (formerly SAF, the Sustainable Agriculture Forum) is a non-profit civil society organization founded in March 1991 in Lao PDR. SAEDA works to support vulnerable communities by promoting sustainable agriculture practices, and improving their capacity and awareness to safeguard the environment with projects focusing on four main areas of intervention: Sustainable Agriculture (SA), Environment Conservation (EC), Food Safety (SF) & Farmer Organizations (FOs); with two support programs ie Fund Raising & Marketing (FRM), and Information, Research & Advocacy (IRA).
SAEDA believes that sustainable agriculture (SA) not only improves food quality and quantity, but also counters some of the root causes of food insecurity: degrading natural resources, inequitable access to livelihood resources, dependence of small and marginal farmers on external inputs which result in increased indebtedness and unfavourable market conditions.