Narratives on Agroecology

Fostering Resilience through Practice: Stories of Bangladesh Farmers

“Nature no longer behaves as it used to. Over the course of her long life as a farmer, 60-year-old Krishani Rahima Begum of Nayabari village of Singair upazila has witnessed the climate changing in Bangladesh. In the past her country enjoyed six seasons; now there are only three–summer, monsoon, and winter. It’s a massive shift […]
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Stories of Laos Model Farmers: Food Sufficiency and Income Stability from Rice

““I had a poor standard of living,” admits Khamphew Khamdengmeuang, a farmer living in Xiengkiew village in Kham district, one of the five districts in the province of Xiengkhouang in Laos PDR, where the Commercial Organic Farming and its Institutionalisation (COFI) program was mounted by Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA) in partnership with […]
Bread for the World
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