Narratives on Agroecology

From Peril to Power: How Agroecology Helps Women Farmers

“Now I get tired easily,” shares Ms. Hueang Namixay, a 36-year-old woman farmer from Laos, who suffered from pesticide poisoning. A lowland farmer, Hueang has been using the herbicide glyphosate in her four-hectare farm in Namhom Village in Kham District, Xiengkhuang Province, for 17 years to grow maize. She was aware of the perils of […]
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Another “-cide” to pesticide

by Mabi David, PANAP Agroecology in Action It’s no longer debatable how the widespread adoption of chemicals and corporate farming have led to the destruction of our topsoil, the contamination of air and water, the sickness and suicides rampant among stricken farmers, the extinction-level losses to our biodiversity, and near-collapse of our planetary systems. Less […]
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